
A Little About Me

I graduated from Asia University in Taiwan with a degree in Media & Design. I have built up my basic drawing skills and developed my own style since high school years in an Art School. I believe that I have a natural passion and sense for styling, and I am able to combine it with the hard skills that I have learned at SAIT.

Studying Web Developer At SAIT

Learning web development in a program at SAIT for four months was a great experience. I like the learning atmosphere at the campus; it definitely provides an ideal environment in allowing me full concentration for my studies. I am, honestly, surprised at how much I have learned and been able to build up a complete website from zero knowledge in just within four months!

I believe enrolling in this program was the right decision in helping me to continue the development of my passion as well as preparing me for entry into the industry.

Starting My Portfolio Project

As the portfolio is my final project for the program, it provides a perfect platform to showcase the programming skills that I have learned. My programming knowledge was further enhanced and strengthened from research and references resourced online.

In my initial step and in my own way, I scratched and jotted down some ideas on paper, and gradually build up a concept. I referred to online resources, and made analysis of the codes. I tested them in separate files to figure out whether they fit to my requirements. There were many instances where the results did not turn out correct or as anticipated and thereby froze the website.

These failure experiences did not deter me but in fact pushed me all the more to try out different methods until I was able to achieve success. The result was a well-deserved reward for the hard work in the trials and experiments.

Work Process

When the ideas popped out in my head, I wasted no time in writing them down before they slipped out of my mind. At times, I made short lists of my thoughts on areas that have not been explored yet, to remind me that it should not be missed and that I have to plan to develop and expand on it.

Methodically, I checked and marked off completed items. I made progress little by little each day giving me the satisfaction of achieving progress, at least to a time-table set for completion of the project.

I have also prudently made separate folders during each stage of updating so that I could recover from each start when errors occurred and corrupted the website program. This wise precaution ensured that I need not re-start the writing process from versions of days ago but from the immediate previous version.

I was also able to judge my own rate of progress just by studying the many versions saved in the well arranged folders. The statistics provided me some feedback on my skill learning and application, and indirectly, allot of encouragement.


The problem solving process had provided me great encouragement and instilled in me, high confidence of my newly learned skills.

I am continuing to pursue advanced learning of JavaScript and PHP as these are relatively more complex than CSS. I expect to push myself to go to higher levels as soon as I have accomplished and mastered each level.


I have created many scratches during the planning of my project website. The process involves constant modifications and creating new scratches as necessary. Although I changed some of the functions and animation, the end results remained faithful to my original concept of the appearance.

Future Expectation

It has been a valuable learning experience studying in Canada. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to study at SAIT. It is indeed a completely different and superior learning environment compared to that in Taiwan schools. I had cultivated a different learning attitude from back then and the stint in Canada has changed all that to what I would call a really positive and enjoyable learning attitude, which it should be!